Thursday, October 27, 2011

Guest contribution: Rob's old school and neighborhood

I will officially concede that Rob has better things to do than blog so, in honor of my parents' trip to Buenos Aires, I'll publish his contribution from the day we spent on a "This was Papa's life in Buenos Aires when he was a kid" tour. 
The patio of the former "boys school," before Saint Andrew's became co-ed
When he was thirteen, Rob's family moved "back" to Buenos Aires (he was born in the States) to a suburb called La Lucila.  He attended a Scottish school called Saint Andrew's and went from a typical American school in a suburb of Rochester, New York to a private British school complete with coat and tie.  The kids still wear the coat and tie but their shirt tails were more often than not hanging out.  I am sure that Rob's former headmaster would not be pleased.  The experience at least helped him empathize with Renee's current experience of not fitting into the culture at a challenging age.   Because it is a British school there are four "houses" like in Harry Potter as well as prefects and head boys and girls.  Rob was in Dodds, I think.

Lucy was the "Dux Medallist" (valedictorian) of her class!
Lucy (Rob's older sister) went to the girls' school on the other side of the tracks (literally) and is still up on a plaque!  The school became coed his last or second to last year in high school.

The school's shield

La Lucila, near Rob's old house.  The downtown area.

Rob's old house!  The owners weren't home.

La Lucila train station, near Rob's old home

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