Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Punta del Este, Uruguay Part II

Pumped up from his success on his first outing, Jonathan headed out with Rob again to go fishing.  This time with more success.

I believe that the final haul was seven fish.

On Friday we headed out for lunch as a family to give everybody else a break before the storm of caring for everybody.  Given that it is tourist season and the dollar isn't doing so well here, we ended up at an Uruguayan sandwich place.  The classic Uruguayan sandwich is a chivito and it puts the Chilean sandwich to shame in some ways.  Like a Subway, you start with the basic meat and then add things according to your taste until you can end up with a 4 inch high sandwich.  Jonathan chose the steak, ham, bacon, lettuce, mayo, and I don't know what else.  Yuck!

We have mostly been hanging out with the family, eating, walking in the port, town and beach and just enjoying a vacation.

A lot of lazy mornings (and afternoons) with the cousins

Abuelo with the girls going through family momentos

Taking a walk to the store.

The port

It was too cold to swim but it is never too cold to play at the beach!

The swing set at Abuelos' apartment building.

Regression #1

Regression #2

In the evenings we have been entertained by music and dance shows from the kids (mostly for grandparent consumption):

There are more videos for those who care.

A type of ice cream in Uruguay - think that it would sell in the States?  Guarenteed not to be toxic!

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