A new berry in my repetoire -
Murtilla - apparently only found in Southern Chile and adjacent areas in Argentina. We meant to get some of its jam but apparently the season was just beginning when we were visiting.
Lucuma - This is apparently a "super" fruit filled with lots of good things for you. I haven't actually seen the fruit yet but it is a very popular ice cream flavor here that we tried once. Guess that you had to grow up with it.
Pepino - I saw a sign with "Pepino" at a Farmer's Market and it stumped me. My very basic Spanish, which includes the ingredients that usually go in an American style salad, includes the word pepino that means cucumber. Ah, no. It also means
Solanum muricatum or Pepino Dulce. The vendor immediately noticed my intrigue and offered a sample which, of course, led to a purchase. It sort of tastes like a melon/pear mix. Tasty but not sure I'd buy it again. Apparently it damages pretty easily so has not been exported much from its native South American Andean habitats.
bring me back some murtado!