Sunday, November 13, 2011

Correction to October 16th blog - Grandma and Grandpa Arrive

I was trying to find a word for an errata for a blog and after some searching realized that the nature of blogging does not lend itself to corrections.  That said, Max Kirsch, a budding ornithologist and family friend, wrote me a correction to my penguin ID in a previous post.  In the interest of keeping all of our facts straight here is the report:

"About that Magellanic penguin picture on your blog a few days ago -- I'm sorry to say, but it's not. It's a Humboldt penguin. 

Magellanic penguin

The penguin at the zoo

Humboldt penguin

The Magellanic penguin (first picture) has two black bands on its breast. The Humboldt penguin (last picture) has only one black band on its breast, and it has more pink at the base of the bill and between its bill and its eye, and its face is more completely black. The penguin you saw (your picture is in the middle) has the characteristics of a Humboldt penguin. "

I stand corrected.  Thanks Max!

A few more notes - the Magellanic ones are found way in the south and the Humboldt, which are much rarer, are found only on the Pacific coast but all the way up to Peru.  They are actually "cousins" and both part of the same "banded" genus of penguins - that must have been my confusion ;-).  There is actually a large colony about 4 hours away from us.  I just spent some time on the web looking at different types of penguins - they sure are cute.  Field trip?

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