Yesterday was Fiestas Patrias and today is the Army Day. On Fiestas Patrias one of the traditional things is to fly a kite, ideally that looks like the Chilean flag. So we did it. Abuela bought the kids a kite and they spent 1.5 hours learning how to fly it and despite a lack of good wind actually got it. The park was full of kite flyers. My fear was that part of the tradition was kite fighting but it was just a bunch of families having fun with kites. Unfortunately, Abuelo had a bit of a fall in the apart hotel (he is doing fine now if not a bit sore) so he and Rob stayed back while the rest of us went out for lunch and to the park. Unfortunately, Rob had the camera so you'll have to imagine the joy of flying the kite or we'll have to try it again today.
Meanwhile - bonding was had (Elisa was here too but somehow didn't show up in the photos - we'll get her today):
Abuela making a Romanian treat (and using a wine bottle for a rolling pin - you gotta do what you have to do!) |
Ola Sarah and family,
ReplyDeleteRob and Peter had a chit-chat last Friday. It sounds like it was pretty much all work related, but Rob said that things were going pretty well for him, and that he hoped the "rest of the family turned the corner". I am hopeful as well, and the photos with the Abuelos make me quite optimistic. Everyone is so happy!
I would love to see some pictures of the kids in their fiesta clothes. i can just imagine Elisa in pig-tails and one of those colourful dresses. and did Renee survive the dancing?
Sarah is enjoying school, making friends, and finally learning to swim. She is now the "leader" in her gymnastics class, but I suspect she is one of the oldest kids, which always makes the difference. Sarah has some curious characters in her class, a "vampire girl", who has threatened to drink Sarah's blood (Sarah is not buying this - I was VERY tempted to pun here), another boy who has been desperately teasing her to get her attention, and another boy that Sarah LIKES, but was moved to the advanced class as he was readng at a grade four level.
Jean, Jen, John and Dan came with us for dinner at the Chinese food restaurant last night. Poor Jean and John had just gone through the Trustees' week-end, so I feel guilty having made them go out again, but it was my 40th yesterday. So nice to see everyone together, but it felt a bit strange not having you and Rob there.
We were curious as to whether you have been able to maintain a vegi. diet, or had to resort to eating some meat.
I see Dr. Kirsch tomorrow. I suppose I am about 32 weeks pregnant now, but since all I want is for it to be over I am trying to avoid counting weeks. I just take a random guess at the actual week number, and hope that I will be early for once!
And yes, I am huge, huge, huge, but I am not posting a picture as it is mortifying.
Cool and wet here today, which I am absolutely loving,and I pity you that you are heading into the hot season. Oh wait, your not pregnant, so you are probably looking forward to it!
P.S. I am not sure why it did not post my name, but I have been having so many problems with my computer... Peter is going to wipe my OS, but it may take a few days to transfer over all the necessary files to a new HD and it is hard to find the time when we don't need the computer. For now I am avoiding e-mail with the hope I will not send anyone this pernicious Trojan (so bad, Bulldog and the other programs can't seem to eliminate it). Tammy