She apparently used to work as a chef somewhere so I figured that when she came today I'd ask her to make something typically Chilean for us next time she came. With the help of Google Translate I have my official shopping list to make pastel de choclo y pebre this week and we'll try cazuela de ave next week.

She definitely had a hard time grasping that not only will I not eat meat but that I won't eat ham, chicken, or turkey either. This seems to be common. I ordered a vegetarian salad the other day and it came with turkey. I'll learn.....
She asked me what else she could do besides cleaning the apartment and cooking. I shook my head and she said how about if I wash the sheets and iron them. When was the last time I ironed my sheets?????? I am sure that I can find things for her to do in time....maybe some Chilean desserts?
Try the ironed sheets. It is fabulous!
Wow, I just read all of your blog entries -- what a wild beginning! You are such a great sport, super mom and amazing woman! Can't wait to keep reading...